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“The Red Deal is a political program for the liberation that emerges from the oldest class struggle in the Americas- the fight byNative peopleto win sovereignty, autonomy, and dignity. As The Red Nation proclaims, it is time to reclaim the life and future that has been stolen, come together to confront climate disaster, and build a world where all life can thrive.
One-part visionary platform, one-part practical toolkit, The Red Deal is a call to action for everyone including non-Indigenous comrades and relatives who live on Indigenous land.
Offering a profound vision for a decolonized society , The Red Deal is not simply a response to the Green New Deal, or a “bargain” with the elite and powerful. It is a deal with the humble people of the Earth; an affirmation that colonialism and capitalism must be overturned foe this planet to be habitable for human and other-than-human relatives to live dignified lives; and a pact with movements for liberation, life, and justice that must come from below and to the left.”
The Red Nation
We consider ourselves the media offshoot of The Red Nation. The Red Nation is a coalition of Native and non-Native activists, educators, students, and community organizers advocating Native liberation that formed to address the marginalization and invisibility of Native struggles within mainstream social justice organizing, and to foreground the targeted destruction and violence towards Native life and land. www.therednation.org